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Clean Code
Learn how to write readable, understandable and therefore maintainable code - step by step, in an example-driven way
Maximilian Schwarzmüller
JavaScript - The Tricky Parts
JavaScript is amazing but it has some "quirks and features". In this course, we'll dive into 'this', closures, recursion, hoisting, scopes and much, much more!
Maximilian Schwarzmüller
JavaScript Data Structures - The Fundamentals
Learn all the core basics about JS data structures - both built-in ones like Maps, Sets or Arrays as well as custom ones like Linked Lists, Trees, Graphs etc.
Maximilian Schwarzmüller
JavaScript Algorithms - The Fundamentals
Learn all the core basics and fundamentals about JavaScript algorithms, dive into tons of examples and get a plan for building and measuring algorithms.
Maximilian Schwarzmüller
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