Angular Essentials (Angular 2+ with TypeScript)
The most efficient way to dive into Angular 2+ if you got limited time or need to refresh the basics!
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Angular is an amazing JavaScript (TypeScript) framework which allows you to build small, medium or large Single-Page-Applications (SPAs). Since the code runs entirely in the browser, you can build user experiences which are way faster than traditional websites could ever be!
The skills required to build such SPAs are in extremely high demand since this kind of web app is very popular and allows you to build almost mobile-like, highly reactive user experiences. Indeed most modern web applications are built as SPAs today!
It's my goal to allow you to focus on these core features to get the quickest and best introduction into Angular, you can find!
Learning Angular never is a wrong choice and with this course, it's more correct than it ever was before! This course gives you the fastest and most efficient way of diving into Angular. If you don't want or can't take my Complete Guide on Angular or you want to get a feeling for Angular before doing so, this course is for you! It's also your #1 choice if you already know Angular but want to have resource for refreshing your basic Angular knowledge as fast as possible.
Whilst this course is much shorter, it gives you all the core insights into Angular you need. It focuses on the heart of Angular, the most important features Angular offers you and even shows you how to build a complete Angular app!
Telling by the length of the course, you might not believe it, but you'll actually learn about all these topics:
- What Angular is
- What TypeScript is - including a super-efficient introduction to it
- How to use the CLI to create Angular projects and manage them
- How Angular apps start and work
- Which role components play and how to use them
- How to bind and pass data
- How to debug your app
- How to use other, 3rd party JS libraries in an Angular app
- How to use directives
- How you may manage application state with services
- How to turn your SPA into an "illusionary" MPA with routing
- How to handle user input with forms
- How to send Http requests
- How to build your project, optimize it and deploy it
- Much more!
Course Curriculum
PreviewIntroduction (1:44)
PreviewWhat is Angular? (3:11)
PreviewJoin our Online Learning Community
PreviewHow does Angular Work? (3:30)
PreviewCreating Your First App (6:58)
PreviewEditing the First App (4:12)
PreviewUnderstanding the Project Structure (4:56)
PreviewHow does an Angular App Start? (5:56)
PreviewWhat you'll learn in this Course (3:50)
PreviewOptional: TypeScript Essentials (8:24)
PreviewHow to get the Course Source Code
PreviewUseful Resources & Links
StartThe Academind Pro Referral Program
StartModule Introduction (0:47)
StartConfiguring the Editor (3:02)
StartTemplates and the DOM (3:20)
StartHow Angular Reads Your Components (5:25)
StartAdding Custom Components (5:14)
StartOutputting Content via String Interpolation (1:57)
StartListening to (User) Events (4:10)
StartBinding to Properties (2:34)
StartAll at the same Time: Two-Way-Binding (4:31)
StartAssignment: Components (Problem) (1:44)
StartAssignment: Components (Solution) (10:00)
StartBinding Component Properties (3:57)
StartListening to your Custom Events (7:17)
StartMultiple Components & Using the CLI for Component Generation (4:41)
StartAssignment: Beyond Components (Problem) (2:48)
StartAssignment: Beyond Components (Solution) (10:23)
StartUnderstanding Scoped Component Styles (3:09)
StartWrap Up (1:04)
StartUseful Resources & Links
StartModule Introduction (0:45)
StartHow to Handle Angular Errors (and Error Messages) (2:58)
StartDebugging Code with Developer Tools & Sourcemaps (3:44)
StartDeeper Insights with Augury (1:54)
StartUsing CSS Frameworks with Angular (and the Angular CLI) (5:11)
StartUsing JS Libraries with Angular (and the Angular CLI) (4:47)
StartWrap Up (0:35)
StartUseful Resources & Links
Course Prerequisites
Basic JavaScript knowledge is required
All pre-requisites are covered by courses in our "Academind Pro" Membership.
Don't take my word for it - here's what other students are saying.
Xiao Xue
This course is amazing, the teacher definitely goes into details of why we do in each step and I feel good. At the end, it is good to see how App is deployed on AWS. I will go into next course by this teacher.
E Barcenas
Max is a thorough instructor. He goes step by step explaining all the major points to really understand things under the hood. I would highly recommend any of his courses to anyone.
Xiao-Lei Xiao
Just what I needed. Angular fundamentals delivered in nicely proportioned videos!
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Your Instructor
As a self-taught professional I really know the hard parts and the difficult topics when learning new or improving on already-known languages. This background and experience enable me to focus on the most relevant key concepts and topics. My track record of many 5-star rated courses, more than 2,500,000 students worldwide as well as a successful YouTube channel with 900.000 subscribers is the best proof for that.
The most rewarding experience for me is to see how people find new, better jobs, build awesome web applications, work on amazing projects or simply enjoy their hobby with the help of my content.
That's why, together with Manuel Lorenz, I founded Academind to offer the best possible learning experience and to share the pleasure of learning with our students.
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