React, NodeJS, Express & MongoDB - The MERN Fullstack Guide
Build fullstack React.js applications with Node.js, Express.js & MongoDB (MERN) with this project-focused course.
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Building fullstack applications (i.e. frontend + backend) with the MERN stack is very popular - in this course, you will learn it from scratch at the example of a complete project!
MERN stands for MongoDB, Express.js, React.js and Node.js - and combined, these four technologies allow you to build amazing web applications.
In this course, we'll build an entire project and you will learn how these different technologies work together step by step. We'll first have a look at all the individual building blocks, so that we then can also combine them all into one amazing application by the end of the course.
This course also doesn't stop after the basics - instead, you'll also learn how to add file upload, authentication, authorization and how to deploy your application in different ways to different hosting services.
This course is taught by two instructors - Max (React.js, Node/ Express) and Manuel (MongoDB) who have years of experience of working with these technologies and teaching them to other people. We took and combined our experiences to deliver you the best possible MERN stack course you can find out there.
In detail, this course offers:
- Brief refreshers on the core technologies (React, Node, Express, MongoDB)
- Project sections for each technology where the theoretic knowledge is applied
- Detailed theory about the MERN stack and the different ways of combining the technologies
- A complete course project where all the technologies come together into one application
- File (image) upload in both React.js (sending the file) and Node/ Express (receiving the file)
- User authentication (signup + login)
- User authorization (controlling access to certain resources)
- Detailed deployment instructions - including different ways of deploying the application
- Tons of quizzes and extra resources!
By the end of this course, you'll feel comfortable building your own MERN stack applications and you can build up on all the knowledge taught throughout this course to dive into your own projects and use-cases.
Course Curriculum
PreviewIntroduction (1:47)
PreviewWhat is the "MERN Stack"? (7:31)
PreviewMERN - A First Overview (2:11)
PreviewJoin our Online Learning Community
PreviewCourse Outline (2:13)
PreviewHow To Get The Most Out Of The Course (2:52)
PreviewUsing the Course Resources
StartThe Academind Pro Referral Program
StartModule Introduction (1:18)
StartUnderstanding the Big Picture (8:04)
StartDiving Into the Frontend (4:06)
StartUnderstanding the Backend (5:10)
StartREST vs GraphQL (7:54)
StartConnecting Node & React (5:50)
StartQuiz 1: MERN - Essentials
StartCreating our Development Environment & the Development Servers (11:24)
StartDiving Deeper Into the Code (9:45)
StartUseful Resources & Links
Course Prerequisites
Basic knowledge about ReactJS is required
ReactJS Hooks knowledge is recommended
Basic knowledge about Node, Express and MongoDB is recommended but not a must-have
NO expert React knowledge or MERN knowledge is required
All pre-requisites are covered by courses in our "Academind Pro" Membership.
Don't take my word for it - here's what other students are saying.
Bruce Botes
Max's experience shines with this course. The MERN template is simple but smart in its design, optimal in the use of the different technologies and to the point. Pace is fast and comprehensive. Exactly what I wanted.
Rob Suttles
Very excited for the MERN refresher. I chose this course because of the theoretical and planning sections specifically as it is very unique for a project-based course to walk through WHY we are setting things up the way we are.
Fazi Lsaleem
Very good lectures and course pace are just enough to keep you engaged. I recommend this course to people who are looking to build a complete app right from the beginning.
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Your Instructor
As a self-taught professional I really know the hard parts and the difficult topics when learning new or improving on already-known languages. This background and experience enable me to focus on the most relevant key concepts and topics. My track record of many 5-star rated courses, more than 2,500,000 students worldwide as well as a successful YouTube channel with 900.000 subscribers is the best proof for that.
The most rewarding experience for me is to see how people find new, better jobs, build awesome web applications, work on amazing projects or simply enjoy their hobby with the help of my content.
That's why, together with Manuel Lorenz, I founded Academind to offer the best possible learning experience and to share the pleasure of learning with our students.
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