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Maximilian Schwarzmüller
Manuel Lorenz
Maximilian Schwarzmüller
Maximilian Schwarzmüller
Max & Manuel
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Maximilian Schwarzmüller
Ionic - Build iOS, Android & Web Apps with Ionic & Angular
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Build native iOS & Android as well as Progressive Web Apps with Angular, Capacitor and the Ionic Framework.
Maximilian Schwarzmüller
Accelerated ES6 Training
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Learn all about the new features of ES6 JavaScript and how to apply them to your projects.
Maximilian Schwarzmüller
Accelerated JavaScript Training
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Take a deep dive into JavaScript, a must-know language in web development, with a hands-on, example-driven approach
Maximilian Schwarzmüller
Web Components & Stencil.js - Build Custom HTML Elements
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A Complete Introduction to building Custom HTML Elements/ Web Components with and without StencilJS
Maximilian Schwarzmüller
Nuxt.js 2 - Vue.js on Steroids
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Build highly engaging Vue JS apps with Nuxt.js. Nuxt adds easy server-side-rendering and a folder-based config approach.
Maximilian Schwarzmüller
React JS, Angular & Vue JS - Quickstart & Comparison
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Angular (Angular 2+), React or Vue? Get a Crash Course on each of them and a detailed comparison!
Maximilian Schwarzmüller
Angular (Full App) with Angular Material, Angularfire & NgRx
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Use Angular, Angular Material, Angularfire (+ Firebase with Firestore) and NgRx to build a real Angular App
Maximilian Schwarzmüller
Deno - The Complete Introduction
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Learn everything you need to work with Deno, the brand-new JavaScript runtime created by Node.js founder Ryan Dahl
Maximilian Schwarzmüller
Angular Essentials (Angular 2+ with TypeScript)
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The most efficient way to dive into Angular 2+ if you got limited time or need to refresh the basics!
Maximilian Schwarzmüller
Angular Styling & Animations (for Angular 2+)
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For Angular 2+: Learn how to use dynamic styles and powerful animations to create beautiful Angular apps
Maximilian Schwarzmüller
[LEGACY] Getting Started With Golang
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Learn all the key fundamentals of Go - one of the most in-demand and popular programming languages you can learn these days!
Maximilian Schwarzmüller
[LEGACY] React - The Complete Guide
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Learn React.js from scratch! Learn Reactjs, Redux, React Routing, Animations, Nextjs & more!
Maximilian Schwarzmüller
[LEGACY] React - The Complete Guide (incl Hooks, React Router, Redux)
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Dive in and learn React.js from scratch! Learn Reactjs, Hooks, Redux, React Routing, Animations, Next.js and way more!
Maximilian Schwarzmüller
[LEGACY] Angular - The Complete Guide
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Master Angular (formerly "Angular 2") and build awesome, reactive web apps with the successor of Angular.js
Maximilian Schwarzmüller
[LEGACY] React Native - The Practical Guide
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Use React Native and your React knowledge and take your web development skills to build native iOS and Android Apps
Maximilian Schwarzmüller
[LEGACY] Vue JS 2 - The Complete Guide (incl. Vue Router & Vuex)
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Vue.js is an awesome JavaScript framework for building frontend applications! VueJS mixes the best of Angular + React!
Maximilian Schwarzmüller
[LEGACY] Learn Flutter & Dart to Build iOS & Android Apps
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A Complete Guide to the Flutter SDK & Flutter Framework for building native iOS and Android apps
Maximilian Schwarzmüller
[LEGACY] NativeScript + Angular: Build Native iOS, Android & Web Apps
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Use one Angular + NativeScript codebase to build native iOS, Android and web apps and learn NativeScript from scratch.
Maximilian Schwarzmüller
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